July 16, 2019
The NEBB Procedural Standard Ninth Edition-2019 for Testing Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) of Environmental Systems (Procedural Standard) is now available. This procedural standard establishes a uniform and systematic set of criteria for the performance of TAB services on environmental and HVAC systems by NEBB Certified Firms.
According to NEBB, this standard and these procedures are intended as the minimum NEBB requirements that a NEBB Certified Firm must follow when performing TAB procedures. When contract documents do not specify details for testing, adjusting and balancing, this procedural standard becomes the minimum standard to which a NEBB Certified TAB Report must meet. Conversely, contract documents may include more stringent requirements as necessary, in which NEBB Firms must meet this standard plus any additional, more stringent requirements as dictated by the contract documents. This Procedural Standard has been carefully compiled and reviewed by the NEBB TAB Committee.
NEBB Firms are required to own the latest version of a Procedural Standard to meet the requirements of firm recertification. This new standard (and all other standards) can be purchased online via the NEBB Bookstore. The NEBB price is $95, while the non-NEBB price is $125.