Brian headshot

July 2, 2019

After reflecting upon the recent FEBB Annual conference in Orlando, FL, I can honestly say that I feel great about the future of our organization. It was everything a FEBB meeting should be: great educational presentations and technologies; discussions of upcoming initiatives, and a beautiful location to relax with your families and fellow members.

But most of all, FEBB/NEBB seems united with many great things on the horizon, and I feel very fortunate to serve as your president. I’d like to start by giving a very big thank you to Scott Coy for leading FEBB effectively the last two and half years, as well as the other board members who volunteer their time and continue to volunteer their time to FEBB.

FEBB/NEBB a few items of summary:


Jeffery Schools provided a great update to the activities and initiatives that are happening with NEBB and its members. Its important for FEBB members to understand our chapter is one the leaders and that was clearly stated by Mr. Schools multiple times throughout the conference. This is due to the strong leadership this chapter has had for many years as well as the member firms that continue to be on the forefront of the TAB industry. A few noted items by Mr. Schools:

  • NEBB firms: please review the new Operational Procedures
  • NEBB is enhancing its strengths to its members and utilizing Certelligence, updating operating procedures as well as future reporting templates.
  • NEBB Chapter Affairs is reviewing/identifying member firms that are not complying with NEBB procedures/standards.


  • As a board we continue to strive to enhance/support the Florida members. This has been done over the years through different initiatives. One of those being TAB report review. As many of you know we have discontinued that review request. However, we will continue to enhance the TAB Report Matrix which summarizes the NEBB requirements for TAB Reports. The Technical Committee will also continue peer review of a firms TAB report(s) by request only.
  • CT Continuing Education Opportunities: With the increase in attendance of Certified Technicians we will be discussing adding a breakout session for the CT’s possibly during our general business meeting. The FEBB board has already reached out to John Kneiss with K & P Mechanical to lead our new education program for the certified Technicians.

Member Involvement: Finally, a reminder that FEBB thrives when members are actively involved. There will always be new opportunities to get involved such as technical committee, historical committee etc. If interested, please contact Terry Wichlenski – FEBB Chapter Coordinator.

In closing, thank you for being a FEBB member, and for the opportunity to serve as your president. Like you, I am committed to upholding the principles of NEBB/FEBB, quality work and integrity in the testing, adjusting and balancing profession. I look forward to the future success of our chapter.

Brian C Kaupp, NEBB CP, FEBB President

Southern Independent Testing Agency