4 men who work at SITA are meeting and discussing building plans to do with NEBB TAB reports

October 16, 2016

What do you do when you need help? Where do you go? Who do you ask? Most TAB Firms are just trying to keep their doors open, their employees working, pay the bills and make a profit. All the while, staying up to date with the NEBB TAB Procedural Standard changes.

When you are the owner, all your employees and some customers come to you for the TAB answers. If you are the NEBB Designated Certified Professional (DCP), you are expected to have the answers to all NEBB specific questions for your discipline. Who can you ask if you have a question? Hopefully you have a peer group or better yet, a mentor you can call. Improvement is a continuous goal that we must all strive to achieve.

Each NEBB TAB Firm is required to produce NEBB TAB Procedural Standard 2019 – 9th Edition compliant TAB Reports when stamping their reports with the NEBB TAB Stamp. The NEBB Procedural Standard for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) of Environmental Systems 2019 – 9th Edition was issued to the NEBB Membership on July 15, 2019. This replaced the NEBB Procedural Standard for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental Systems 2015 – 8th Edition (PS8).

The credibility of NEBB is built by maintaining integrity through high standards, quality programs and demonstrated capabilities of NEBB Certified Firms. Building owners are entitled to a professional service by every NEBB Certified Firm on every project, whether the job is NEBB specified or not. It is the responsibility of the NEBB Certified Firm and NEBB Certified Professional to establish and maintain procedures and practices that will assure a consistent pattern of high-quality work on all projects.

Continue reading at The NEBB Professional 2022- Quarter 1. (https://nebb.org/the-nebb-professional/)